Request A Quote: Life/Disability
In order to provide the best possible quote for your insurance programs we request the information listed below. If you are unable to provide all that is requested, we may be able to work with what you can provide.
1) Basic Company Information:
Name of company, address, address of outlying locations and covered affiliates, and nature of business.
2) Census Information (list of covered employees):
Census information to include the following: name, social security #, date of birth, sex, pay class, coverage amount, salary and occupation or job title. If you are unable to consolidate all information on one computer run, separate runs (lists) may be submitted. Each list should include the vitals such as name, ss#, etc. Please use the same sort routine if two computer runs are submitted. Also, if a "confidential" or "private" payroll is maintained for corporate officers, their census information will be necessary to provide coverage. If it will be a problem to provide the names for this list, we will need some type of "identifier" such as clock # or Social Security #. A census of any covered retirees will also be necessary with coverage amounts. And finally a list of any disabled employees that will be covered. This means any employee, in any payroll class, that is currently disabled and covered for life insurance. Please provide date of disability, cause of disability and coverage amount.
3) Current Plan Description:
Copy of current booklet (S.P.D.) or contract for each line of coverage.
4) Current Rates, Volume, Participation and costs:
Current rates for each line of coverage, as well as covered volume by line. A copy of the most recent bill for each line of coverage should give us all this information. If any of your programs are voluntary, we will need a list of covered participants and their coverage amount (this info may also appear on the bill). Also a summary of any retro calls, retro returns (if applicable) and all fees associated with the programs (charged by the carrier, the agent/broker, state, etc.).
5) Claims Experience:
Claims experience for the last three (3) years separated by program (Life/AD&D/LTD/STD). Please indicate if the death claim is for an employee, spouse or child and if under the basic or a voluntary program.
This information can be mailed, e-mailed, or faxed.
The McKellan Group, Inc.
1449 Old Waterbury Rd
Suite 201
Southbury CT 06488
Ph: 800-531-2001
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