Why Choose The McKellan Group?
Cost Savings and Rate Stability:
Because we write such a large volume of these specialty lines, we are able to negotiate excellent rates with multi-year rate guarantees for our clients.
Claims Management:
McKellan clients send all their claims to our office, rather than the insurance company. We do an initial review and evaluation, ensuring that the claim is complete and accurate. We assist employers in obtaining necessary documents from Doctors, Medical Examiners, etc. We send the completed claim to one of McKellan's assigned claims specialists at our insurers. Our involvement significantly speeds up the claims payment process, while taking the burden away from our clients. All client questions regarding claims are directed to The McKellan Group, which eliminates the need for our clients to ever contact the insurance company.
McKellan eases billing submission for its clients by allowing self-reported billing that does not require monthly reconciliation of covered employees (or sending a current census every month). McKellan is able to accept billing statements from multiple locations under one policy number. All billings and billing questions are directed to McKellan, not an insurance carrier.
Loss Ratio/Reserve Management:
McKellan monitors and disputes insurance company claim reserve figures for all lines of coverage. This helps ensure their accuracy and provides better opportunity for rate stability over the long term.
Customer Service:
McKellan's commitment to serving you begins when we personally deliver our plan materials to each major location of your company, and go over the insurance plans and procedures with you, face to face. From that moment on, all your questions and correspondence will be directed to The McKellan Group, not an insurance company. From claims submissions to billing questions to contract issues, you will be able to contact McKellan for everything, and never have to call the insurance company again.